So yesterday I started classes at ICS! (International College of Seville). I only had two classes yesterday and they were Three Cultures - a class about Jews, Christians, and Mulisms and how they came about in Spain and were affected. My other class is the Art of Spain.. well I guess that self explanatory. It seems interesting, and we'll be going on field trips to museums all around Sevilla so see the actual art we're talking about, which I'm super excited for.
My Three Cultures professor is from.. well guess where, eh, beaut, mate!? AUSTRALIA!!! Haha, she is SO cool. I like her, and she seems to want to get know us and likes to have group discussions as opposed to just lecturing! (Let's hope this lasts!)
My Art of Spain professor haha, shes a wack-a-doo, but she's great! Born and raised in the US in California, she studied abroad in Sevilla when she was around our age and fell in LOVE with it and knew she had to come back, in which she did and has been here teaching here in Sevilla for over 20+ years.
I only have class Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30-12:00 then 12:00-1:30pm, and I'm done for the day!! (Before all you people even wake up in the states)
I'm also taking classes at the University of Sevilla - we had to take a placement test to see if we could be placed into those classes and it worked out for me! Woohoo :-)
Classes at the University don't start until September 24th.. So I've been having plenty of time to just hang out and relax and explore the city!!!!
I'll be taking 3 classes at the University.. all in spanish, I'm a little nervous, but more excited. I hope I understand the class and will be able to learn and improve my spanish tremendous amounts! I'm taking a spanish literature class, spanish for english speakers, and cooking literature class. All my classes will be on Monday and Wednesday. The classes I'm enrolled in are only for international students so that'll be really cool.. once I start there I'll let you all know!
It works out nice because I'll be able to ride my bike to ICS Tuesday and Thursday using the Sevici system, and take the bus to the University on Monday and Wednesday! I'm better making my schedule here then at Monmouth, woopsies!
Boring entry I know.. but school is well, school
^(here they don't say ADIOS they only say ADIO! So there you go)
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